
دسته بندی
ماژول LED RGB دارای چیپ درایور WS2812
ماژول LED RGB دارای چیپ درایور WS2812 ماژول LED RGB دارای چیپ درایور WS2812 ماژول LED RGB دارای چیپ درایور WS2812 ماژول LED RGB دارای چیپ درایور WS2812

ماژول LED RGB دارای چیپ درایور WS2812

تولید کننده: CJMCU
کد انبار : 1221-83-2431
مدل کالا : WS2812
جستارش : A1-05-1004B
موجودی: 30
10,380 تومان

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ماژول LED RGB دارای چیپ درایور WS2812

This is a breakout board for the built in WS2812 RGB LED. The WS2812 is actually an RGB LED with a WS2811 built right into the LED! All the necessary pins are broken out to 0.1" spaced headers for easy bread-boarding. Several of these breakouts can be chained together to form a display or an addressable string.

5V:This should be a regulated supply voltage between 5V and about 7V. More than that could harm the LED, less than 5V will either reduce brightness, or it just won’t turn on.
GND:The common, ground, 0V reference supply voltage.
DI:Data from a microcontroller (or another WS2812 pixel) comes into this pin.
DO:Data is shifted out of this pin, to be connected to the input of another pixel or left floating if it is the last link in the chain.

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